what is weighted least square:

  • Weighted least square regression , also known as weighted linear regression , is a generalization of ordinary least squares and linear regression in which knowledge of the variances of observations is incorporated into the regression.
  • It’s an extension of ordinary least squares regression. Non – negative constants ( weights) are  attached to data points .
  • It’s handle cases where data quality varies  .i.e., one of the common assumptions underlying most process modelling methods , including linear and non linear least square regression ,is that each data  point provides  equally precise information about the deterministic part of the total process variation.
  • In weighted fit , less weight is given to the less precise measurements and more weight to more precise measurements when estimating the unknown parameters in the  model.
  • Using weights that are inversely proportional to the variance at each level of the  explanatory variables yields the most  precise parameter estimates possible.
  •  weighting the sum of the squares of the different may significantly improve the ability of the least squares regression to fit the linear model to the data.
  • The mathematics used in unweighted least square regression has a tendency to favor  numbers of larger value over number of smaller value .



  •  No weight  

  • 1/ Amount 

  • 1/ Amount ^2 

  • 1/ Response 

  • 1/ Response ^2 
  • 1/ RSD 
  • 1/RSD².


  • It’s an efficient method that makes good use of small data sets. It also shares the ability to provide different types of easily interpretable statistical intervals for estimation , prediction, calibration and optimization.
  • The main advantage that weighted least squares enjoys over other methods is the ability to handle regression situations in which data points are of varying quality.


  • The biggest disadvantage of WLS , is probably the fact that the theory behind this method is based on the assumption that the weight are known exactly.
  • The exact weights are almost never known in real applications, so estimated weights must be used instead.
  • The effect of using estimated weights is difficult to assess , but experience indicates that small variations in the weights due to estimation do not often affect a regression analysis ( or) it’s interpretation.

    FORMULA’S : 

  •  WLS estimates  are obtained by minimizing are opposed to minimizing
  • weighted least square is equivalent to performing OLS on the transformed variables Y/ alpha and 1/ alpha 


The following scores represent a nurses assessment (X), and a physician’s assessment (Y) of the conditions 10 patients at time of admission of cancer hospital.

X= 18    13 18 15 10 12 8 4 7 3

Y= 23 20 18 16 14 11 10 7 6 4



scatter diagram can be used to examine the relationship between both the axes (X and Y) with one variable. In the graph, the variables are correlated, then the point drops along a curve or line.

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what is reliability in statistics


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